A key part of life in the Sixth Form is independence, so the students are enjoying work on projects including raising money for their chosen charity of Action Aid. Project management is certainly a key transferable skill in real life!
In addition, trips and visits have been a key theme of this week in order to broaden the student’s horizons and deepen their knowledge of their subjects. For Art Textiles, the trip to the Knit and Stitch exhibition provided an inspirational opportunity to see the work of degree students and have exposure to a wide array of craft in the Textiles field. Thank you to Miss Hill for running this trip. There are expert subject talks happening in Psychology and Chemistry at Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham University respectively. Excellent ‘super-curricular’ opportunities – the university term for students exploring their chosen subjects in more depth to demonstrate and enhance a passion for their studying. We will always have a focus on seeking out relevant and engaging experiences to enable our students to grow and develop in their interests, skills and talents.