Inspection Report Hollygirt School

Inspection Report

Inspection Report

Hollygirt school is inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. This happens approximately every six years for our Prep and Senior School and every three years for the Early Years’ Department.

Below are some of the highlights from our most recent Educational Quality Inspection Report.


“Attitudes of the pupils to their work is excellent”


“Pupils speak highly of their excellent relationships with staff and senior leaders and benefit from the guidance they receive in developing their skills across the curriculum”


“Pupils who have joined the school recently said they can see a rapid development in their grades”.


“The work of the leadership team in developing this system of assessment and interaction strongly supports the progress of pupils of all ages”


“Pupils make good progress enabled by the support of dedicated teachers who use a detailed regular monitoring system”


“Pupils say that staff know them very well and that they can always ask for help”


“Parents were highly supportive of the way the school equips pupils with the team working, collaborative and research skills needed later in life”


“Senior school pupils develop a strong core of mathematical ability which they apply with confidence across the curriculum. They are supported and encouraged by well-structured teaching and the additional support which is available through clubs”


“The school successfully achieves its aims and enables pupils to thrive and fulfil their academic potential”.


“Pupils show the highest regard for diversity -they are welcoming, accepting of all and the school embodies a culture of appreciation and empathy regardless of background”


“Relationships are a genuine strength of the school”


“All pupils spoken to expressed the view that pupils are very respectful towards each other and that the whole community of the school is kind. This was commented on as a highlight of joining the school by a number of new pupils”


“Pupils from a wide range of backgrounds and divergent starting points ‘find a home’ in the school in the words of Year 10 pupils. Some have had difficult experiences in previous, usually much larger schools but now said they feel safe and are able to be themselves with no fear of ridicule”


“Pupils’ behaviour is excellent”

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