As a small school with small classes, children here are nurtured. Staff go the extra mile because we believe that excellent pastoral care underpins academic success. Importantly, we want children to be happy and to remember their school days fondly.
We run mentoring schemes by staff and older students, drop-ins, an open-door policy to the Head (wherever possible), and the infamous cookie jar!
All new parents to the school meet with the Head to explain how we work through the years with your child; how we value truth and honest and open communication.
Our house system is strong and builds team spirit and altruism. It’s also fun and supports engagement in the school community.
Our PSHE programme is receiving a robust review as we look at what children today really need to thrive in society, and we will draw on expertise and the voices of the Hollygirt staff, children, and parents to ensure we get this important aspect of pastoral care right.
Children at Hollygirt feel listened to, the pupil voice is strong. There are councils and prefect teams, and we survey the students regularly to gauge their opinions.
Our most recent inspection report (in which pupil development is rated as excellent) captures the spirit of Hollygirt through the children’s comments.
“All pupils spoken to expressed the view that pupils are very respectful towards each other and that the whole community of the school is kind. This was commented on as a highlight of joining the school by a number of new pupils”
“Pupils from a wide range of backgrounds and divergent starting points ‘find a home’ in the school in the words of Year 10 pupils. Some have had difficult experiences in previous, usually much larger schools but now said they feel safe and are able to be themselves with no fear of ridicule”
ISI Educational Quality Inspection Report 2023
We have a strong team around SEND and we also have trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) offering emotional support to those who need it.
From the cheery ‘good morning’ and free toast to the accessibility of staff and team dedication to caring for the individual – Hollygirt is like no other school. Many parents say we are warm, approachable and friendly.
A Year 10 parent said ‘Hollygirt lets the kids be who they are’; the children say they can ‘be themselves’ at Hollygirt.
Our prospectus aims to give you a glimpse into our wonderful small school.
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