Parents' Forum Hollygirt School

Fees and Funding

Termly Fees (Autumn, Spring and Summer) for 2023-24:

Year 12 and 13 £5,000 Includes A-level and other External Examination Fees. Please note this fee is payable for the 6 terms of Years 12 and 13.


Fees are payable on the first day of each term. Alternatively, it is possible to spread the cost of school fees into manageable monthly installments. This facility is provided by School Fee Plan.

Our Registration Fee is £50 which is submitted with the Registration Form (external applicants only).

A deposit of £500 is submitted following the offer of a place, along with the Acceptance Form, in order to secure your child’s place. For students continuing from Hollygirt School into Sixth Form, the initial deposit paid when first starting will be carried forward. 

On the first bill, there is a one-off payment of £50 per family to the Friends of Hollygirt.

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