December 5, 2019

Weekly News – Thursday 5th December

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

I keep hearing signs of Christmas through the floor of my office which is a sure sign that the Juniors are in preparation for their end of term production. (This will be shown at St Jude’s Church Hall next Friday 13th at 2.00pm. I can’t wait!)

Our Christmas theme continues on Monday next week with out annual Carol Service at 7.00pm in St Peter’s Church (next to Marks and Spencer in town). We expect that all children from Years 3 to 11 will be in attendance at this event which is one of the highlights of our school years. Whilst it is an overtly Christian service, we believe it is a time when the school comes together as one and it is equally applicable to those of all faiths and none. However, we have no expectation that pupils or parents join in with hymns or prayers if it is counter to their personal beliefs.

Click here to view the Carol Service letter

This week we have held our Year 9 Options Afternoon, where the pupils and their parents are introduced to the subjects which can be taken for GCSE. These are important decisions which in some cases can impact on future career choices, so we aim to give as much information and advice as possible. Staff are always able to talk individually to pupils about suitability for their subject at GCSE .

Raaj from Schoolwear Solutions came to school with her pop up shop this Wednesday. Are parents happy with the service they are offering with this on site shop coming monthly? Any feedback is gladly appreciated. I am in the processes of arranging dates for the next two terms which I will publish to parents when confirmed.

Thank you to those parents who have already sent in items for our raffle hampers. Things are looking good but we need much more stock! Please send items to school next week so we can prepare the hampers in time for the Christmas Fair.  Raffle tickets should have arrived home – one book of 10 tickets per family. Please sell and return the ends and payment to school before the day of the Fair. Further tickets are available from reception. Unsold books are also expected to be returned to school.

Can I remind you that Hollygirt is CLOSED tomorrow for our Prize Giving holiday.  

Have a fabulous long weekend.

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

Christmas is slowly creeping up on us and it is certainly getting very busy! The post box has arrived in Junior School; please could I ask you to remind children, in addition to names, to add year groups onto Christmas card envelopes to avoid any confusion.

Well done to the boys who took part in the football mini tournament on Monday, losing narrowly, (1-0) to Twycross House but beating Dixie Grammar School 2-0.

On Monday it is the Carol Service and a reminder that all KS2 children are expected to be there in the evening. Younger children, if they wish, can also attend and sit with parents.

Click here to view the Carol Service letter

On Tuesday, we are offering flu vaccinations to children in Reception to Year 6.

Click here to view the flu vaccination letter

Click here to view the flu vaccination leaflet

On Thursday, it will be our Christmas lunch, followed by a trip to the pantomime for Years 1 to 6. Thank you to all parent helpers who have offered to support this. Children do need to be collected from Nottingham Playhouse.

Click here to view the pantomime trip letter

Friday is our Junior Production and all children should be dropped off at St. Jude’s in the morning with everything they need for the day.  Lunch will be provided but children will need snacks. We hope you can join us in the afternoon for the performances. Many thanks for all your efforts with costumes and for helping children to learn words and songs.

Click here to view the Junior School Christmas Productions letter

School is, of course, closed tomorrow for our annual Prize Giving holiday.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors