April 30, 2021

Weekly News – Friday 30th April

This week's featured image is of Year 5 pupils Rishi and Sebastian showcasing their guitar skills with a superb concert for their classmates.

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

Here we are at the end of another cold but sunny week.

Can I remind you that Monday 3rd of May is a Bank Holiday and school is closed.

This is a short update this week.

A longer communication will be sent to Y11 parents next week with details of how we will be assessing pupil grades, our internal quality assurance checking process and the appeals process. This communication will also discuss the end of term arrangements.

We are currently discussing what format our Prize Giving ceremony will take for Autumn 2021 and a short questionnaire will be sent to all parents next week, asking some simple Yes/No questions to ascertain your views.

We will also be re-circulating and publicising our term days for 2021-2022 as there is an error on the current document. I appear to have lost the ability to count! So sorry. I will send this out once it is updated.

Just a note to say we are not running longer days for ‘catch up’ or summer schools for our pupils. We are working on curriculum recovery – most especially to build back missed skills in learning, which partly involves reacclimatising pupils to our expectations, work ethic and to full school days with homework. We believe our pupils and staff worked hard through the latest lockdown, and it is not in the best interests of the children to encourage them to either feel behind, or to cram. Good learning cannot happen like this. This was discussed with some parents at an earlier Q&A session and those in attendance agreed with this decision.

I propose we continue with the Q&A sessions for parents online and will host the next one on Friday 21st May.

I wish you all a very pleasant long weekend,

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

In Juniors this week we have been talking about thinking positively, especially when facing something a little more difficult. It has been great to hear the children reflecting on the positive things throughout the day and having a go even if something seems challenging at first.

The children are really enjoying the after school activities which have been introduced this week. Please contact Form Teachers if you haven’t booked your child a place but would still like to.

On Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming Mr Goodhead back and he is excited about his return. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Atherton who has been teaching Year 5 during Mr Goodhead’s absence. I know the children have thoroughly enjoyed their time with her.
We have provisionally pencilled in Saturday 3rd July for the Junior School Garden Party. We will of course follow guidance at the time and will be able to advise if this event can go ahead, and in what format, nearer to the date.

The week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.

Enjoy the long bank holiday weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors