Message from the Headmistress
Dear Parents,
This is my last communication before the long Bank Holiday weekend. I am excited about our return to school next week. It will be so good to see the buildings come to life again and to see all the children who I am hoping are keen to be back. We know it will feel different and for the new starters, it will be doubly strange, but all the staff will be here to ease the way, to explain how things are and to ensure that at the end of the day the children leave with a smile on their face, happy that some normality has returned to their lives.
The full detail of the re-opening plans have already been sent and I hope you have had the time to read these. Of course there will be many queries and we are aware that we will need to amend things from time to time.
On the first day there will be plenty of staff outside school (let’s hope it is sunny and warm) to welcome the children in and to say hello to parents. Children come in uniform and bring with them their pencil case, a full water bottle, and in Seniors, if required, their own lunch. I will outline further information about lunches later in this communication. On day one they need bring nothing else.
Our first three days are off normal curriculum and are scheduled with a variety of tasks and activities aimed at reintroducing the children to the school day, to thinking and working together again. On Friday, children are working on games and sports as the theme, and we ask them to come in ‘SPORTS FANCY DRESS’. If fancy dress isn’t their thing, then PE kit should be worn. Trainers are required. (This is not a charity non-uniform day).
Since I completed my planning, the government has moved its position on mask wearing. I have re-planned as follows:
Guidance on Face Coverings at Hollygirt
- Irrespective of government advice, pupils (and staff) may elect to wear a mask/face covering. Whilst we have a plethora of measures in place to ensure our environment is Covid-safe, we recognise that some will feel less anxious with this choice.
- Should our area (or the area in which our pupils live) be subject to local lockdown rules, we will ask that all SENIOR pupils and staff wear a mask/ face covering when moving around the site. (Though not in lessons, unless they choose to.)
- If our planning proves to not offer enough possibility of appropriate distancing between bubbles or in individual subjects the teachers are unable to socially distance because of room size/ requirement to work more closely, then we MAY ask that pupils in SENIOR school wear masks.
- All visitors to the site, including those looking round, working on the site, or with appointments to speak to staff will be asked to wear a mask.
With this in mind, we ask that all parents provide SENIOR pupils with a mask, kept on their person, in their blazer pocket which can be worn as required. These should be stored in a plastic bag (a small zip top freezer bag is ideal). We are requesting that fabric masks are cleaned daily (if they are used) or replaced regularly if disposable.
Disposable masks should be disposed of in a sealed bag. We are asking that children take their used masks home to dispose.
We have a supply of masks in school, but require these primarily for those issuing first aid or waiting with a symptomatic child.
I am sorry that with site not being fully staffed when we re-opened in August, some of the promised letters haven’t arrived. The information below summarises what will happen regarding lunches and after school care for the first 3 days of term:
- Lunch is included in the Junior Fee and pupils will make their orders each morning.
- Lunch grab bags will be available for seniors to purchase from the first day of term at £3.00. Order and payment will be taken daily during tutor time (there will be no option to order later in the day, order must be placed at tutor time). Alternatively, senior pupils may bring their own lunch from home. Menu options are available on the website.
- A lunch pass option will be offered from the second week onwards. Letter to follow next week.
We will resume our hot food provision as soon as we are able to do so safely and within guidance.
After School Club
This provision for After School care for Junior pupils will be running as normal from first day of term. Letters to book spaces for the term will go out next week and interim bills produced.
If you have second hand uniform requirements, please email Mrs Bamber on with the details of the garments sought and likely sizing.
Autumn Term Fees
Thank you to all those who have already paid their autumn term fee invoice. If you have not yet paid, then a reminder that fees are due by the first day of term, Wednesday 2nd September.
Senior Form Tutors are as follows:
Year 7 – Mrs Thornton, Mrs Griffiths and Miss Seaton (Room 1)
Year 8 (8A and 8B) – Mr Deacon, Mrs Carr and Miss Nisan (Room 10)
9A – Mrs Cooper Cassady, Mr Ockelford and Mr Firth (Room 3)
9B – Mr Dilger and Mrs Hall (Room 4)
Year 10 (10B and 10A) – Mr Rollinson, Mrs Brimblecombe and Mrs Howelett (Room 2)
11A – Miss Hook and Miss Fry (Room 8)
11B – Mr Sud, Mrs Morgan and Dr McKitterick (Room 7)
Finally, a Covid-specific medical survey is being sent to all pupils (and staff) for the beginning of term.
We would be grateful if you could fill this in and return it even if you have already completed one last term.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hutley
Message from the Head of Juniors
Dear Parents,
I hope you have all had a lovely summer; I am sure the children have had some wonderful adventures even if you haven’t managed to get away. A bit of a rainy end to the holidays but enjoy the last few days. Please send children in with any photos, places they have been to or achievements since we last saw them, so that they can share them with the class and then stick these in their ‘My World’ book.
You will have received a new Parent Handbook. Please read the arrangements for the start and end of the day, lunches and other information you will need. Any questions about this, please ask!
The first three days will be all about settling in and transition. Some of the children have not been in school since closure and we will use these days for the children to get to know new children and teachers with activities such as team building and sports, whilst having plenty of opportunities to talk through any anxieties about returning. On Wednesday and Thursday, children should be in school uniform but on Friday, which will be our sports and games day, children can come in sports fancy dress (with trainers).
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again and I hope you have a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors