May 21, 2021

Weekly News – Friday 21 May 2021

This week's featured image is of Year 1 and Year 2 enjoying a workout with Miss Nisan.

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents, 

I cannot believe that at the end of May we have had more wet breaks than in the whole of the Autumn Term. This is so tough on the pupils. Let’s hope that the rain has now gone, and sunshine on its way. 

Parents Q+A Session: TONIGHT at 7pm

Here is the zoom link to the Q+A forum tonight for any parents who wish to come: 

I will start the session at 7pm and if no one is there by 7.15pm I will close down, get a gin and watch Coronation Street… Please remember that whilst all general topics can be raised, it is not the place to talk about personal concerns regarding your child.

Covid symptoms and PCR tests

Our in-school assessments are continuing next week so that by half term, all can relax (with the exception of any final work to be completed for the Year 11 pupils). The signs of tiredness are all around us, as the week before a half term, they always are. There are sickness bugs and all manner of perfectly normal seasonal ailments around too. Can I advise you that whilst we all know our own children and how their bodies react to general unwellness, we are still asking that any presenting with a temperature, a continuous cough or a loss of sense of taste or smell seek a PRC check just to be on the safe side. This is in line with the national guidance and we are desperate to keep the school open for all its pupils as we move through the roadmap for re-opening society. Again, if another of your children or other members of the households have the symptoms, all the family is expected to self-isolate until the results of a test are known. Thank you for your continued support in this.

Second-Hand Uniform

Thank you to all parents for continuing to send second-hand uniform into school for resale (we have had a lot this week). This helps us to provide a valuable ‘recycling service’ to help families who prefer not to purchase new or need items in a hurry. Children grow so quickly! Mrs Bamber and Miss Jones will be offering a second-hand pop-up shop one day in late June, and they would love some parents to help them – please volunteer with

Exciting opportunity for Pupils currently in Year 6-10

Mss Brimblecombe and Miss Nisan are organising a fab holiday to Paris and Barcelona for July 2022. They will be speaking to the pupils and sending letters out immediately after half term to see if there is sufficient interest to continue their planning.


We have a developing trend in some older girls to wear grungy ripped tights. We seek the support of parents in checking and insisting on hole-free tights. I will purchase some for reception and will pass the charge onto girls who persist in this ‘fashion trend’.

E Scooters

Having investigated the legal position ref e-scooters, these are NOT permitted to be ridden to school by any of our pupils. It is illegal on several counts.


On July 1st we are holding what we expect to be a live Senior School Taster Day for Year 5. This is to give them a flavour of life as a senior school pupil and the opportunity to meet some of the teachers. We encourage you to let your friends and work colleagues know about the day, in case any of them may be considering the school for Year 7 in 2022.

We are busy planning other live end-of-term events, in the understanding that the restrictions will finally permit all to happen safely. As soon as events are confirmed we will share the information with you.

We break up for half term next Friday the 28th May at the end of the school day and return on 7th June.

We look forward to Mrs Barsham, the new Headmistress, being in school next Wednesday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

This week, through assemblies and other activities, Juniors have been focusing on Physical Health. Thank you to our Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl for preparing such a great assembly on Wednesday; they taught us about the importance of eating healthily, exercise and getting enough sleep.

Also on Wednesday, Miss Nisan led some fantastic workouts which we thoroughly enjoyed. Yesterday, Chef Julie organised a healthy tasting session so the children could try some new foods and we were able to feedback to her ones which we might like to see on the menu. The vegetable muffins were a real hit and were extremely tasty.

Key Stage 2 have been hard at work preparing for their tests next week. Teachers have reassured the children that there is nothing to worry about and we just want them to try their best.

Next week, Mrs Keyworth and Miss Purchase are holding meetings for further information on the upcoming trips to The Mill and Perlethorpe. Please contact them if you have not received your invites.

I am sure we are all looking forward to the half term break next Friday.

This week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors