March 20, 2020

Weekly News – Friday 20th March

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

Can I begin this Weekly News by thanking you all for your understanding and support of the school at this challenging time, as we move to an enforced different way of working. We are all here (if not physically) to continue to do all that is right to educate and support your children. As several of you are asking questions which many others will be thinking, I will address all in my updates and will be honest and upfront on all points… Please continue to raise such via Mrs Bamber on

I look forward to seeing you all, safe and well when we are able to fully open again.

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

We are, of course, all very busy planning for the coming weeks. Staff are full committed to providing quality education whilst school is closed. Whist at home, we are still working our usual hours and are we are all there to support in any way we can. We will follow our usual curriculum with lessons carefully planned, although delivered in a slightly different way.  Feedback will be provided and we will continue to monitor progress and assess the children from the work submitted.  I recognise for many parents, you are trying to balance your own work commitments too and please let us know how we can help.

Thank you for your continued support; please keep safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors