Message from the Head
Dear Parents,
Year 11 continue to sit their mock exams and we will be pleased when normal lessons resume on Thursday next week. Staff are meeting to discuss how to maximise the feedback we give to the students so that they really do know what they need to focus on for the ‘real exams’. As my research area is in helping students feel confident about taking exams, we will be in touch with Year 11 parents shortly for permission for your son /daughter to take part in a brief intervention that is aimed at building self-efficacy in taking tests.
House meetings this week focussed on the types of rewards the students will enjoy for the new house point system that we have started. Some great ideas, from afternoon tea to trips to Alton Towers. There will be a termly prize for the most house points and a yearly prize (or two-term prize for this year). House points are awarded for displaying the spirit of Hollygirt – the kindness, helpfulness, resilience and respect for all that are some of the core values to our community. Thank you to Mr Dean for his assembly that reiterated the value of teamwork and linked this to our House Points – and for the action rugby photos!
As we go into our second term of the academic year and where we can, at this time, operate fairly normally, we are beginning to catch the wind in our sails and reinstate some of the ‘things’ that naturally disappeared with Covid. Watch this space for news of woodwind lessons starting again and we may have news of a strings and brass instrument peripatetic teacher soon. Ms Bailey, our piano teacher, is back face-to-face with us as is our LAMDA teacher (from next week). We are committed to sourcing every avenue of opportunity for your sons and daughters, and to constantly reviewing our provision and improving.
This week, a new version of the Tuck Shop came into being and we now offer more substantial snacks such as vegan sausage rolls alongside the usual chocolate – the menu can be viewed here. We have limited the number of purchasable items to two and the students are still enjoying their wholesome lunches, but do check in with your sons and daughters to see what they have consumed during the day to ensure a well-balanced diet. We continue to provide free toast in the mornings for those who skipped breakfast for whatever reason and this continues to be a popular service (thank you, Janet!)
The School Council is on the list to get up and running this term. There is the Prefect team and the Media and Estates teams, but it is very important to us to get the School Council’s opinion on such issues as our food and catering.
We have published the term dates for 2022-2023 and we are exactly aligned with Nottingham High School.
We have also decided to publish weekly key upcoming dates in the newsletter in case this is helpful. Please see below for these.
The latest Covid guidance on self-isolation can be found here on the website.
Best wishes for the weekend,
Helen Barsham
Message from the Head of Juniors
Good afternoon,
After the first full week back, and having worked so hard, I think it is fair to say the children are quite tired. I am sure they are looking forward to the weekend and some relaxation.
Extra curricular clubs began this week and it has been great to see so many children involved. If your child hasn’t sent the form back yet, please could you return this as soon as possible.
Next week is Sparkle Week. As in previous years, we hope to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing with children demonstrating acts of kindness. Helping others can be beneficial to all of our mental health by reducing stress, helping others to feel good about themselves and helping to reduce negative feelings and anxiety. Junior children will be allowed to wear a sparkly or brightly coloured accessory to School each day next week.
Year 6 will be involved in the Year 7 Entrance Day on Wednesday. This will give them the opportunity to experience life in the Senior School and also meet other children who may be looking to join us next year.
Exciting news – we are currently looking at introducing a new summer dress for juniors. This will be finalised next week and will hopefully be available for this summer. As with the new PE kit, this will be phased in. More details on the style and when it will become available to follow in the next few weeks.
Please continue to keep us updated with any covid symptoms or tests. We will send out updated advice on isolation early next week but if you have any questions on this, please just ask.
This week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wright
Head of Junior
Key Dates for the Week Ahead
All Week |
Sparkle Week |
Monday 17th January |
Statistics Mock, 9am – 11.30am
Textiles Mock, 9am– 3.45pm
Religious Studies Mock, 1pm – 2.15pm |
Tuesday 18th January |
Second Dose Covid 19 Vaccinations, 9.30am Geography Mock (Part 2), 9am – 10.35am Biology (Extra) Mock, 1pm – 3.10pm D.E.A.R, 1.05pm – 1.20pm |
Wednesday 19th January |
Entrance Day (For current and prospective Year 6 students), all-day Physics (Extra) Mock, 9am – 11.10am |
Thursday 20th January |
Scholarship Day (for students joining Year 7 in September 2022) |