January 7, 2022

Weekly News Friday 7th January 2022

Message from the Head

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! I hope that you had some quality time with your families over the holidays and a chance to rest. I find the Christmas holidays exceptionally busy but I did find time for some running (up a hill) so I am feeling fortified from this!

As we go into the Spring Term, I’m keeping in my mind the first signs of spring and look forward hugely to lighter mornings and nights and snowdrops …not long now.

In the spirit of spring, the amazing Hollygirt team had a real spring clean on Wednesday and this is the start of our sprucing up really. We will be completing some exterior decorating and the senior school toilets upgrade this term (all things Covid permitting).

Year 11 mock exams have started in earnest (thank you, team, and especially Mr Rollinson – our exams officer) and I hope sincerely that Y11 were able to relax and rest but also prepare themselves for the exams – any parental feedback on this is welcome.

There are two dates in the spring calendar (Friday 11th February and Friday 25th March, 8.15 -9 am) for an informal coffee and chat meeting with me, so this may be a good opportunity to feedback. Also, a reminder of my email: Head@hollygirt.notts.sch.uk – no problem or worry is too small! I’d much rather hear from you before a molehill becomes a mountain.

On the first INSET day, we received some excellent training from Judith who is an expert in autism in schools and our thanks to her. It was time well spent and gave us some strategies to use with all of our students, not just those with an autism diagnosis.

Please note all the Parents’ Evenings dates this term:
Year 7  – Tuesday 8th February 2022
Year 8 – Monday 24th January 2022
Year 9 – Thursday 24th February 2022
Year 10 – Wednesday 2nd February 2022

Year 9 options are also heading our way and there will be more of this anon.

We welcomed new students into the senior and junior school this week and we wish them a happy and successful time at Hollygirt. New parents, you are very welcome to join Friends of Hollygirt and we have our first face to face meeting soon of this wonderful parent body.

This morning, we launched a new Senior School behaviour policy with the senior students. Whilst we need a clear system for sanctions for poor behaviour, we need to acknowledge that the majority of our students, for the majority of the time, are simply brilliant and so we have a new reward system too which features house points as well as merits. The new policy can be viewed here and I would appreciate your reading this as you will be notified on Satchel One (please ensure your notifications are turned on) if your son /daughter does get a ticket (teachers will also email home). In the policy, we make it clear that we work with you – our parents – as a team, and that we would hope for support in both sanctions such as detentions and with rewards – if these aspects of school life can be mirrored at home – we are truly working together. There is also a strong emphasis placed on restorative practice as this is fundamental in understanding how to move forwards from a situation.

DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) is also starting next week – ask your sons or daughters about this popular school initiative.

I should also make you aware of an online scam where young people are being offered £160-£400 / month as a cash transfer to review music albums online. We have mentioned this to students this morning in order that they can avoid anything that may come their way regarding this.

Finally, I hope you caught up with our Christmas messages (which you can view here) and for those of you who don’t know me and my mantra, a reminder that:  with truth and communication, we can move mountains.

Wrap up warm,

Helen Barsham

Message from the Head of Juniors

Good afternoon,

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break. I think the children were excited to be back yesterday and we have enjoyed hearing about their holidays. We have three new pupils in Junior School – a huge welcome to them.  I am sure they will be very happy here at Hollygirt.

It has certainly got a lot colder. Please could you make sure children have jumpers/cardigans and green school coats in school along with gloves, hats and scarves and these all are clearly named.  If it does snow, children will need to bring wellies in addition to their school shoes.

If children are going to be absent for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. Our covid advice remains that if a child has any covid symptoms, they must stay off school and take a PCR test. You should have received more detailed advice earlier this week, with updated guidance on isolation, and we will continue to communicate any changes with you. Any questions on this, please ask.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Junior