Community, Teamwork, and Looking Out for Each Other
As the end of the second week of term approaches, I’m seeing a few tired faces around and must remind myself that this is the first full week for pupils and the stored-up rest of the Christmas break is starting to be depleted. I hope that pupils and parents take time to recharge over the weekend. Looking after our wellbeing is important, especially at this time of the year when many of us are travelling to school in the dark and home in the dark, the next holiday is a long way off, and the last of the mince pies has been polished off. Next week the school is holding Sparkle Week, a week in which we encourage pupils to consider their mental health and wellbeing and of those around them. Prep school pupils are being encouraged to wear a sparkly accessory as a visual reminder, while Senior pupils will be encouraged to consider what small acts of kindness they can show to the peers, teachers, and family during the week that might help reduce stress and anxiety or simply boost someone’s self-esteem as well as their own. The pastoral team at Hollygirt are always on hand to support our young people with their wellbeing, so please do contact your child’s Head of Key stage or Form Tutor if there’s anything you’d like us to be aware of and support with.
My wellbeing certainly had a boost this week as I’ve had the privilege of interviewing Year 6 pupils applying for entry in Year 7 on their Year 7 Experience Day on Wednesday. They are a wonderful group of pupils with varied interests, and all commented on the most amazing day they had had, speaking highly of the Hollygirt Year 6 pupils who had made them feel welcome and part of the family even while they were learning about the Senior School themselves.
Yesterday I attended a guitar concert in the Prep School, a huge well done to all who took part, I was impressed by the musical talent and variety on show and the confidence it took to perform. Thank you also to Bella for taking time out of her afternoon in the Senior to join in playing some Taylor Swift for the Prep pupils.
I’ve been drawn to the Food Technology room this week due to the gorgeous aromas in the building. Year 7 and 8 have been making Savoury French Tarts as they compete to enter the Springboard FutureChef Bakeoff competition. The younger year groups have no doubt been inspired by the success of one of our Year 10 pupils who has progressed to the Regional Round of the FurtureChef competition, being assigned a professional Chef as a mentor. I think you’ll agree that the pupils have certainly taken to heart the saying, “The First bite is taken with the eyes”. I wasn’t allowed to sample any of the tarts as they did not want to spoil the look by cutting them up!
As I write, I am eagerly refreshing the live scores for news of our Year 10 and 11 boys’ Football team who have headed off to Nottingham University for the ISA’s U16 National Football competition. Luckily for me, the School Prefects are looking after my wellbeing by providing a comforting cup of hot chocolate to keep me going, in return I have promised them some beanbags to relax on in our fortnightly meetings (although I promise I will keep some more functional and supportive chairs for parents!). I look forward to hearing the full Football report and updating parents next week, along with news on the National Dodgeball competition taking place on Monday in which our Year 7s and 8s will be competing.
Ever Onward and Upward
Ms. Purdy