I end this week wondering how many individuals we all impacted with our words and actions in the past five days? Mr Rollinson introduced Sparkle week to the Seniors in their Monday assembly with the concept of paying forward kindness and a mathematical model of the exponential potential of passing kindness on. If we said a kind word to just two people, who then said kind words to two more people and again and again, and again… this sequence would only need to be repeated eight times before the whole school had heard a kind word. I have observed and heard many acts and words of kindness this week, and I hope that pupils continue to see the benefit in helping each other to clear up after lunch, support each other with tricky concepts in lessons, and being friendly and polite and how it helps build a strong community.
Hollygirt has shown lots of community and team spirit this week; the week began with some of the Year 7 and Year 8s competing in a national Dodgeball competition, Mr Cholerton and I are super proud at their commitment to representing the school and hope they are an inspiration to others. There has been plenty of excitement and support for our Year 10 FutureChef entrant, whose mentor has been visiting the school today for some coaching in the kitchen, and this afternoon I have been meeting with the prefect team to discuss what being a prefect means to them and how they can use their positions to further support the community.
While writing of community, I cannot help but think of those in Southport and the young people who had to relive horrific memories of the attack last summer. I mention this as the trial this week led to questions over the missed opportunities for early intervention in the attacker’s life. While we all hope things will never get this far, I do want to remind parents that sharing concerns or the little upsets in their child’s life can help the school keep a watchful eye on pupils and enable conversations that can help relieve a bit of anxiety. And that brings me back to Mr Rollinson’s assembly in which just asking how someone is can be the simplest, but most impactful act of kindness.
I would like to end on an upbeat note, returning to Sparkle week and the shimmer and glitz the Prep school pupils have brought to the school, the joyful singing and carefree movement of Just Dance and Zumba clubs, and the colourful and fiery(!) results of Science Club experiments!
A few dates and reminders for next week; I’m looking forward to getting to know a few more parents through my drop in mornings next week. Parents of Year 8 and 9 on Wednesday 29th and parents of Years 10,11 and 13 on Thursday 30th , both 8.15 to 9.15. There is Year 7 parents meeting on Thursday 30th from 4pm, and I will be available for Year 7 parents that evening. Please do drop in to say hello and have a cup of coffee.
One final notice: A reminder to year 10 parents to complete and return Work Experience forms to Mr Dilger.
Ever Onward and Upward
Ms. Purdy