Message from the Head
Dear Parents,
It was so lovely to see Hollygirt students back to school on Wednesday! We missed them – I explained school is just not the same without them!
We’re getting the wheels of school working again, and next week information will come out about our very exciting extra-curricular provision. There will be a Hustings assembly on Friday where students can hear about the clubs and how to sign up. It would be great if you could have a conversation with your sons/daughters about their interests and offer some support and advice in making choices. Everyone should choose at least one option.
Shortly we will be sending some brief information home about the whole curriculum for this term – a piece of paper for your fridge – again in the hope that knowing what is being studied will prompt a teatime conversation.
We are celebrating the opening of the Sixth Form and are delighted with the range of subjects that have been taken up. We were pleased to get our successful material change inspection result – the report is available here.
We welcome all of our new starters and reiterate that no problem is too small – just get in touch with us if you need to.
We are also operating under a new inspection framework from September 2023, one that focusses very much on pupil well-being and we are talking about this at all of our meetings.
I welcomed students back on Wednesday with a welcome assembly letting them know that I had been thinking a lot about teenage safety over the summer – a topic close to my heart as my own children are 16 and 17. I was pleased to hear that nitrous oxide / laughing gas is being made illegal as I often see the silver cannisters littered around – I worry for young people about vaping, drugs and the rest. Keeping children safe is of paramount importance.
I hope the Friends of Hollygirt BBQ goes well after school today and am very sorry to miss this occasion but my sister is getting married today.
Open Morning is next Saturday 16th September from 9.00am to 12 noon and we ask that your son/daughter attends unless you let us know otherwise. It’s a marvellous opportunity to showcase our wonderful school and the wonderful ambassadorial students we have!
Prize Giving is also mandatory attendance for Year 3 upwards and is from 6.30pm on Wednesday 20th September where a glass of something chilled will be waiting for you as we celebrate the academic and pastoral achievements of the year.
Have a chilled weekend.
Best wishes,
Helen Barsham
Message from the Deputy Head / Head of Prep
Good afternoon,
A huge welcome back to school to all of our families. I hope you have had a wonderful summer. It has been great to see everyone this week and hear about summer adventures. The new children are setting in so well and making new friends.
As you are aware, there has been a lot of building work over the summer. Years 5 and 6 are now back in the main Prep building and it is really nice to have everyone together.
We have already voted and elected School Council members. The children will find out the results in assembly this afternoon. Year 6 have been busy writing their Head Pupil speeches to deliver in assembly next week.
Roald Dahl Day is on Wednesday 13th September. Children may wear something yellow or a themed costume if they wish to. This is entirely optional and we don’t expect you to buy anything new for this day.
Next week, we will be holding our first welcome meetings for parents. Form Teachers will be in touch with more information on these. Our ECA programme will begin the following week and you will be sent home a timetable for this next week.
It is Open Morning on Saturday 16th September from 9.00am to 12.00pm and we do ask children to attend this event. They will be participating in some fun activities with their teachers.
Prize Giving this year is much earlier than usual and has been arranged for the evening of Wednesday 20th September. Year 3 to 6 pupils are all expected to attend. It is a fantastic occasion and a chance to reflect on all the achievements of the previous academic year.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Friends of Hollygirt BBQ tonight.
Have a lovely weekend,
Victoria Wright
Deputy Head / Head of Prep
Message from the Head of Sixth Form
Good afternoon
After months of planning and a very busy summer of building work, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Hollygirt Sixth Form is now open! Our first cohort of Year 12 students have been settling in and getting started on their A level lessons. Our students are enjoying a wide range of subjects, from Physics to Psychology, Chemistry to Criminology. Sixth Form has welcomed both Hollygirt students moving up from Year 11 and external students from other schools.
The students have made an excellent start and have been busy getting to know each other. We are so pleased to be able to offer bespoke study programmes that really suit each individual, as this is truly unique. Hollygirt Sixth Form is a place where students really can thrive in a supportive community.
Have a lovely weekend,
Alison Brown
Head of Sixth Form