February 5, 2021

Weekly News – Friday 5th February

This week's featured image is of Aleesha's handwritten reply from Sir David Attenborough about her saving the rainforests project!

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

There has been some fabulous work going on this week, well done to all pupils on their outstanding engagement with the live lessons and the online work. One week more, then we all get a break. (Not much to do in it – but no lessons…)

Did all the children come to our ‘Let’s Get Hollygirt Active’ dance shake out this morning? It’s so good. I thoroughly recommend it. (I know you feel silly dancing in your living room at 8.45am in the morning but it is hugely invigorating!) Parents can come too…. No specialist kit required.

We have another seriously cold spell forecast for over the weekend and into the beginning of next week. Hard to believe as the winter sun is pouring in this afternoon. Clearly I am missing the opportunity to be active outside as I type.

Tonight we are welcoming parents questions and answers at the Parents’ Forum. It is at 6pm. Please email Mrs Bamber now if you wish to be sent the Zoom link to come along (andreabamber@hollygirt.notts.sch.uk).

I am hoping all the Year 9 have returned their options forms to Mr Dean. The deadline is today!

Exams update for Year 11: the Pearson iGCSE (Our ENGLISH and MATHS) examinations are now cancelled. We will be sending out more information on how we will be assessing the pupils grades when we have had further communications from Ofqual.

On the proviso that we are back in school on March 8th, the Year 11 ‘mock examinations’ will be scheduled for w/c 22nd March. We will spend the weeks before ensuring the pupils are prepared and focussed.  We are still doing the mock exams even though there will be no real exams as this gives us solid evidence of work done under supervised conditions, on exam style questions to use in our grade assessments later on.

Thank you to the senior parents who have navigated their way through the schoolcloud parents evening appointments. Though we sometimes have individual internet issues at home, it does seem to be working well. We welcome your feedback. The last one, Year 7, is next week on  Tuesday 9th Feb. Again we welcome your feedback from those who have experienced the system. Rest assured, if the 8 minutes time allowed means you leave some key points unspoken, we are always able to arrange a follow up meeting later.

Sadly, I announce today that we will, next week, be advertising for a new Marketing Manager as Miss Hutley has accepted an offer to work at the Department for Education. Good luck! I suspect working for the Civil Service will be somewhat different from life in school. If you know anyone who might be interested in this fabulous opportunity at Hollygirt School, please ask them to look out for our adverts on Indeed or on the school website next week.

A quick note on homework. This week I have had a number of concerns expressed from parents of KS3 children about the expectation of homework. I can clarify that any homework set for Years 7, 8 and 9 children is set as a ‘flexible task’. This means it is a) voluntary and b) any submissions will not impact on the engagement data. Please do not feel this is a fib – genuinely, it is there for those who want it.

However, KS4 homework is a different matter. This must be completed in line with current work expectations for those in GCSE years. It is critically important that pupils in these years do all they can to have a full submission of class and homework.

Two further reminders:

I remind (a few parents) that this terms fees are payable in full. We will be discussing with the Trustees F+GP committee in March the savings we have been able to make for this term and will be crediting these back to you on the next term’s fee bill.

I also remind you that all COVID communications about testing or information in and out of school should be sent via the covid@hollygirt.notts.sch.uk email. I have no update on Covid this week!

And so, it is Friday afternoon, and I am looking forward to G+T time later. I will see you in person at 6pm if you are coming to Parents’ Forum, otherwise, have a wonderful weekend and wrap up warm!

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed Miss Nisan’s Feel Good Friday workout this morning.  It was good to get moving and what a brilliant start to the day.  As we approach half term, I realise the children are getting tired and are ready for a break.  Well done to all of them for continuing to attend lessons and engage so well.

On Tuesday, it is Safer Internet Day and Mrs Wand will be hosting an assembly at 8:50am. It is important that all children do attend this assembly.

In Junior School on Thursday, it will be Food for Thought Day.  Lessons and activities are being planned by the teachers on this theme and I am sure the children will find this very exciting.  Teams sessions will continue as the usual times. Please send in photos – we look forward to seeing them.

Teachers will be setting some flexible tasks for the children over half term. Whilst we do encourage children to get involved, these are optional and we do realise children do need a break and may have other activities at home they wish to complete during their week off.

Parents’ Evenings after half term are scheduled for the week beginning 1st March; these will be on Teams and Form Teachers will be in touch to arrange a convenient time.  If you would also like an appointment with me, please email me directly.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors