March 26, 2021

Weekly News – Friday 26th March

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

Have you all been getting stuck in roadworks?  What a nightmare – I have 4 sets on my journey mid week… I was delighted to spot a website for us to alert the council to potholes. This pleases my sense of public duty! Though I realise that pothole repairs will add more traffic lights arghhh….

Talking of light: I am delighted to have lighter warmer days as we move into Spring (one of the joys of this time of year for me).  For your information: our clocks go FORWARD one hour on Sunday. Don’t forget.

End of Term

We are approaching the end of term: we finish on WEDNESDAY 31st MARCH. We have staggered the finish time to avoid bubble collision on the Avenue.  We are asking parents in EYFS and Key Stage 1 to collect at 12.10;  Key Stage Two (Years 3-6) at 12.20 and Senior School at 12.30. There is no after school provision on this day.  For those of you whose children travel on school buses, there is no service on Wednesday 31st as the High Schools finish on Tuesday. This is well publicised in advance on our term dates.

On Tuesday we will be sending out the end of term mailing, containing your Summer Term fee invoices and end of term certificates etc.  There will be no Holly Leaves this end of term as we published an early special lockdown edition online on 5th March. This is on the website, if you missed it.

Testing Required Through the Holidays

Senior pupils will also be bringing home further supplies of Lateral Flow devices for the school holiday. We are now advised by the DfE that pupils (and staff) are to continue testing twice a week throughout the holiday.

Can I remind parents that the LFD tests are for the asymptomatic. If a child, or member of the household is unwell and has Covid symptoms: a temperature, a continuous cough or a loss of taste or smell, they should immediately book a PCR (lab test) at a local testing facility, and should self-isolate in accordance with well-publicised government guidance.  The home test kits are not a substitute for this.  There is no need to do LFD testing more frequently than twice a week.

LFD testing kits are freely available locally for all family members to do asymptomatic testing.

Opportunity to meet the new Headteacher of Hollygirt.

I am excited to announce that Mrs Barsham, the new Head, is going to run a zoom session to introduce herself to you on WEDNESDAY 31st MARCH in the early evening. This is a great opportunity for you to meet her and to ask any questions you may have. Because of the number of parents we can host at one time on zoom, we have divided this session into two.  At 6pm Junior School and at 6.30 pm Senior School.  I hope that many of you will come to say hello and welcome her.  There will be several opportunities for face to face meetings in the Summer Term at some of our scheduled events , providing we get the green light on these as lockdown eases.  The link to the zoom for this event will be sent separately to avoid confusion.

Summer Breaks

Please take care when booking Summer Holidays, the rules are not going to be published until May on permitted places to travel, and clearly with the virus still virulent on mainland Europe, we perhaps should steer clear.

Coats In School

In line with our policy, pupils should travel to school in blazers from the beginning of the Summer Term, and coats. Non-uniform jackets are now not required/permitted.


It has come to my attention this week that some Senior pupils have been bringing food into school for resale.  Whilst this is in the spirit of entrepreneurship and something we would normally commend: this is not permitted.  Any such food stuffs will be confiscated. We closed down our own tuckshop because of the increased risk as part of our current guidelines in response to the pandemic.  Pupils are requested to bring in their own snacks from home.

Can I also remind parents that pupils should not be bringing in fizzy or energy drinks into school. They are permitted water bottles, which can be refilled from the mains water fountain, or other still squash/juice.

Notice Period

My final reminder, is to alert parents to the requirement to give a full term’s notice, if children are not to return to Hollygirt in September. This means that notice should be served by the end of the first week back, i.e. Friday 23rd April at the latest.  Of course we hope you are all staying! If you are in a quandary, please speak to us.

Update for Year 11

I will send out an update for Year 11 parents at the beginning of next week with any further news on their end of term and in school assessments.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Please click here to view this week’s Stars of the Week

Dear Parents,

Firstly, I need to mention the amazing efforts last Friday for Comic Relief.  The juniors raised over £1000 which is incredible, and I know some money is still coming in.  Thank you so much for supporting this.

We have been enjoying some of the warmer weather this week and making the most of the outdoors.  Juniors have, as usual, been really busy and teachers have organised some exciting Easter themed activities. Next week, teachers are planning class treats in recognition of the children’s hard work and we will finish term on Wednesday with a Teams assembly to celebrate their fantastic achievements over this term, both at home and school.

A reminder that we finish for the holidays on Wednesday.  EYFS and KS1 should be collected at 12:10 from Elm Avenue and KS2, at 12:20.  There is no After School Club on this day.

I have had some questions about extra-curricular activities and we are planning to reintroduce some clubs for the Summer Term.  Children will still be in bubbles and these will be run by their class teachers.  More information on this will follow.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors