Message from the Headmistress
Dear Parents,
This is a brief update from me today. I hope you have enjoyed some of the sunshine (before the downpour which has just started)!
With the hot humid summer days in mind, can I urge parents to discuss with their children the perils of swimming in unauthorised places such as lakes, rivers and reservoirs. This is the time of year when accidents happen as the instinct is to hit the water, and without swimming pools and lidos open it is very tempting.
We are still busy with our plans for September opening for all (pending further clarification of our risk assessment in line with government advice on social distancing, bubbles and regulations). Our transition sessions for those joining the school are going really well, too. Whilst school is quite quiet, we are all working 100% to keep the children on task and looking forwards.
We are also busy with new enquiries following another successful Virtual Open Day on Thursday.
This week, I wrote a blog article in response to an academic paper which was published recently about schoolwork in lockdown and the state’s provision. If you are interested, it can be read here.
Here are the scheduled senior Teams meetings and Year 10 timetables for next week:
Have a fabulous weekend.
Mrs Hutley
Message from the Head of Juniors
Please click here to view this week’s Stars of the Week
Dear Parents,
I hope you have managed to enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine we have had this week. Hopefully, we will get some over the weekend too.
Well done to Years 5 and 6 who graduated from their DARE course yesterday. It was great to hear some of your thoughts about the course and what you have learnt. Thank you to Dare Officer Appleyard for delivering this course.
As we approach the end of term, we have some exciting events to look forward to, both for children in school and children at home. On Friday 3rd July, it will be Science morning. Details of this will be published on Show My Homework. During the afternoon of Tuesday 7th July, we are planning a virtual Sports’ Day for those children not in school; children in school will be able to participate in similar activities in the playgrounds. Mr Deacon has already sent out some information and more will follow.
We usually all go on a school trip on the penultimate day of term. This year, Wednesday 8th July, will be the Hollygirt Festival, a day of fun activities, competitions and picnics. You will receive the plan for this at the end of next week. On the last morning of term, Thursday 9th July, at 10am, we will be having a whole Junior School assembly; it would be really great if everyone could join us for this. A reminder that we finish at 12:30pm and children in school need to be collected at this time.
Teams lessons for next week will be as follows:
Final transition meetings are also next week, at the same time as this week. I hope all children will be able to join us for these.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors