June 25, 2021

Weekly News – Friday 25th June 2021

This week's featured image is of the 2021-2022 Senior School Head Girl, Alex F, and Deputy Head Boy, Deniz. Congratulations both!

Message from the Headmistress

Dear Parents,

How smart the senior pupils looked for their class photos on Wednesday!

You may have seen our video post showing the hustings for our Head and Deputy Head Girl/Boy.  We were blessed the sun shone so we were able to hold this outside and enable all the seniors to be in the same space to hear the Y10 pupils outline their ‘case’.  We are proud of our democratic procedures, where for these positions of responsibility the pupils and the staff all get a fair and equal vote. These have now been counted and the results are in ….

For 2021-2022 I am pleased to announce that we will have a Head Girl: Alex F, and a Deputy Head Boy: Deniz. Congratulations!

A special thank you to Mrs Bamber for organising the second-hand uniform shop for parents. Can I remind those of you whose children have outgrown good-quality uniform that donations are always sought to extend our stock. This is a great way to recycle and to save parent’s money.

Well done to our senior pupils who have had several vaccinations today, to catch up with their entitlement from the lovely nurses who come into school to deliver these.

Next Tuesday morning we have our Senior Sports day with a difference…. Not the traditional athletics events, but something just as exciting. Looking forward to the staff races and rounders at the Forest Recreation Ground!

There is no new news on Covid this week. (Though you can potentially go on holiday in the Summer to more places now). In spite of the increasing cases of positively testing pupils in society, we are at the moment still ok!  Keep vigilant, keep safe, keep LFD testing and let’s see if we can make it to 14th July….

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Hutley

Message from the Head of Juniors

Dear Parents, 

Today in Junior School, we have some very interesting hairstyles! A fabulous effort from all. Thank you for all the sweet jars which have come in too; they look great and the children are already picking out the ones they hope to win.

Next week is a busy one. On Monday afternoon, it is Sports Day for Years 1-6.  If you haven’t already, please return the reply slip letting us know who will be attending.

On Wednesday, it is Languages Day and Miss Cooper has planned a day full of fun activities; I am sure the children will very much enjoy this.

The Garden Party for the children is on Friday. Thank you for all the generous donations so far. If you have items to send in, please could these be brought in on Monday or Tuesday. We are still in need of chocolate!

The week’s Stars of the Week can be viewed here.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wright
Head of Juniors