Message from the Deputy Head
Dear Parents,
The whole school community misses Dr. Barsham, but staff and pupils are working really hard to make her proud. There is a great atmosphere in school and this is credit to the staff who are going above and beyond to support your children.
We started the week with me delivering an assembly on Children’s Mental Health – see here. Children’s Mental Health Week is from 5th to 9th February and we will be holding activities in school next week to support pupils’ mental health and raise awareness. We started on yesterday by completing a Time To Talk Day task and today the pupils took part in a Pride Vs Humility task in Form Time.
The last day of this half term, we will be raising awareness of Mental Health by taking part in Wear Your Scarf To School Day. Pupils are encouraged to donate £1 which we will donate to a Mental Health Charity of our pupils’ choice.
Congratulations to the Year 10 Girls dodgeball team who represented the school brilliantly in Wednesday’s City Dodgeball Championships. Further details here from Mr Dean:
Although they did not win any matches they did take the eventual winners NUSA to a deciding round in their match. Incredible spirit, enthusiasm and endeavour was demonstrated and I was unbelievably proud of them all. Spending time with these fantastic young people makes me remember why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place 😊. Also, a big thank to Miss Veal for supporting the girls and coming on the fixture.
It’s the last week of half term next week. Expectations remain high. It is competition week between our Houses. The pupils have been preparing their Kindness Rocks and Safer Internet Day displays, and we also have a Pancake Competition.
Enjoy your weekend!
Dave Cholerton
Deputy Head
Message from the Head of Prep
Good afternoon,
On Wednesday, Year 1 and 2 parents and grandparents enjoyed a ‘Someone Special’ afternoon with their children, Mrs Wand and Mrs Bond. Thank you for the positive feedback; I am pleased everyone had such a good time. On Thursday, it will be the turn of Kindergarten and Reception parents and grandparents and I sure you will also have an extremely enjoyable afternoon. Please could you sign in at the Senior School reception on arrival and a member of staff will meet you there.
In an assembly on Monday, as part of National Story Telling Week, each house in the Senior School will be telling inspiration stories to the Prep School children. We look forward to hearing these.
It is Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and the children will be taking part in various activities on this very important topic. Mrs Wand will also be delivering an assembly on Wednesday on this theme. Please see information below from Mrs Wand which details a workshop for parents.
NSPCC FREE Workshop for Parents & Carers – Keeping Children Safe When Gaming
This year, the NSPCC launches its first Game Safe Festival. As part of the upcoming NSPCC Game Safe Festival, there will be a free online webinar for carers, parents and those working with families about online gaming and how they can help keep their children safe.
The webinar will be open to parents and carers from across the UK. We’re bringing together key players to make sure children have positive gaming experiences. And we’re helping the adults in their lives have the knowledge, confidence and tools they need to help keep children safe when they game.
The free workshop will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 7th February between 7-8pm. To book your place go to
You should have received an email with information on Parents’ Evenings after half term. If you cannot make these dates, please let Form Teachers know and they will be able to arrange an alternative date and time for you.
Like Seniors, we will also be taking part in Wear Your Scarf to School Day next Friday. Children should wear uniform but can accessorise with a scarf for £1 donation.
Have a lovely weekend,
Victoria Wright
Head of Prep
For Sixth Form News please click the link here.